Question (1): What is reproduction?
Answer: Reproduction is defined as the
production of individuals of the same species, that is the next generation
of the species.
Question (2): Why is reproduction necessary?
Answer: Reproduction is necessary for the
continuation of the species. If there is no reproduction, the species will
become extinct and die out.
Question (3): What are the types of reproduction?
Answer: There are basically two types of
reproduction - asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.
Question (4): What is asexual reproduction?
Answer: Asexual reproduction involves only
one parent and the offspring is genetically similar to the parent.
Question (5): What is sexual reproduction?
Answer: Sexual reproduction involves two
parents and the offspring has a fusion of the characteristics of both the
Question (6): What is tubectomy?
Answer: It is the female sterilization
technique in which the oviducts are cut and tied back such that eggs do not
reach the uterus and the sperms that enter the female's body do not
fertilize the eggs.
Question (7): Name the types of reproduction that
produces genetically identical offspring?
Answer: Asexual reproduction is the type of
reproduction that produces genetically identical offspring.
Question (8): What are the different types of
asexual reproduction?
Answer: The different types of asexual
reproduction are fission, budding, fragmentation, spore formation and
vegetative propagation.
Question (9): What is fission? Give two examples
of organisms that reproduce by fission.
Answer: The DNA or the nucleus of a mature
cell divides first and then the cell divides into two. This is called
fission. It produces daughter cells of almost the same size. It is seen in
protozoans like Amoeba and Paramoecium.
Question (10): What is binary fission?
Answer: When the parent cell divides into
two cells that are almost identical, it is called binary fission.
Question (11): What is multiple fission?
Answer: When the parent cell divides into
many daughter cells that are genetically identical, it is called multiple
Question (12): Name two organisms that undergo:
a) binary fission b) multiple fission
Answer: Binary fission takes place in Amoeba
and Paramoecium. Multiple fission takes place in Plasmodium, Chlamydomonas.
Question (13): Explain budding with an example.
Answer: In budding, the parent cell or body
gives out a lateral outgrowth called the bud.
For example: In Yeast, the nucleus divides and one of the daughter nuclei
passes into the daughter cell.
The bud grows in size while being attached to the parent body. It then gets
separated from the parent by the formation of a wall. It may then fall off
and germinate into a new individual on getting favourable conditions. Thus
budding results in the formation of daughter cells of unequal sizes that
later grow to adult size.
Question (14): Write short notes on spore
Answer: It is generally seen in bacteria
and most fungi. One of the cells enlarges and forms the sporangium
(literally meaning spore sac). The nucleus divides many times and then the
daughter nuclei are surrounded with protoplasm bits to form daughter cells
called spores. The spores are covered with a thick wall called the cyst. On
maturation, the sporangium bursts and releases the spores. The spores
germinate on getting favourable conditions. For example, fungi such as Mucor
and Rhizopus
Question (15): What is fragmentation? In which
organisms does it take place?
Answer: Fragmentation is a process in which
the mature organism breaks up into two or more pieces or fragments. The
fragments then grow into complete organisms. It takes place in some lower plants
such as Spirogyra and animals such as ribbon worms and flat worms.
Question (16): What is vegetative propagation?
Answer: Regeneration of new plants from the
vegetative parts of the parent plant is called vegetative propagation or
vegetative reproduction.
Question (17): Which parts of the plant are used
for vegetative propagation?
Answer: Vegetative propagation is done with
the help of vegetative parts such as roots, stem or leaves. These parts may
also be variously modified for vegetative propagation.
Question (18): How is vegetative propagation done
by roots?
Answer: Roots of some plants develop new
plants either directly producing shoots or producing buds. Shoots are
produced by roots of woody plants like Dalbergia, Murraya
etc. Adventitious buds are formed on the roots of plants like sweet potato,
dahlia, asparagus, tapioca, etc. These buds detach from the root and
develop into new plants.
Question (19): How does natural vegetative
propagation take place by stem?
Answer: Stem has nodes and internodes. The
nodes develop leaves. In the axils of the leaves are buds called the
axillary buds that develop into new plants on detachment from the parent
plant or even when the stem portion remains attached.
Question (20): What are the functions of
underground stems?
Answer: The functions of underground stems
1) storage of food
2) tiding over unfavourable conditions
Question (21): What are the different
modifications of the under ground stem?
Answer: The underground stems are variously
modified into:
Tubers where the stem is swollen and has the nodal regions called the eyes.
For example: potato.
Rhizomes where the stem is swollen and branched.
For example: ginger, turmeric, etc.
Bulb where the stem is very small and disc-like. From the stem arise scaly
and fleshy leaves which bear buds in their axils.
For example: onion, garlic, lilies, etc.
Corm where the stem is very similar to tuber but they do not have definite
For example:Amorphophallus, Colocasia, Gladiolus,
Question (22): Give an example of vegetative
propagation by leaves.
Answer: Vegetative propagation by leaves is
seen in plants such as Bryophyllum. It has succulent (fleshy) leaves
and adventitious buds are present at the margins of the leaves. These buds
fall off and grow into new plants.
Question (23): What is cloning?
Answer: Vegetative propagation produces the
next generation that is genetically identical to the parent. Such an
organism that is genetically identical to the parent is called a clone. Thus,
the process of vegetative propagation is called cloning.
Question (24): How is vegetative propagation done
Answer: There are various ways of carrying
out artificial propagation of plants. Cutting, layering, grafting and
budding are some of the traditional methods whereas tissue culture is a
recent technology.
Question (25): What is tissue culture? Why is it
also called micropropagation?
Answer: Tissue culture is the growth of a
part of the vegetative tissue in an artificial medium. This tissue is
induced to differentiate and form into a whole new plant. Thus, a small
piece of tissue is cultured to produce a new plant. This is also called
micropropagation as only a small tissue is needed for the culture.
Question (26): What is callus?
Answer: The tissue taken from a mature
plant in a test-tube medium starts dividing mitotically and produces a mass
of cells. This undifferentiated mass of cells is called the callus.
Question (27): What are the advantages of vegetative
Answer: The advantages of vegetative
propagation are:
1) The offspring are genetically identical and therefore advantageous
traits can be preserved.
2) Only one parent is required which eliminates the need for special
mechanisms such as pollination, etc.
3) It is faster. For example, bacteria can multiply every 20 minutes. This
helps the organisms to increase in number at a rapid rate that balances the
loss in number due to various causes.
4) Many plants are able to tide over unfavourable conditions due to the
organs of asexual reproduction like the tubers, corm, bulbs, etc.
5) Vegetative propagation is especially beneficial to the agriculturists
and horticulturists. They can raise crops like bananas, sugarcane, potato,
etc that do not produce viable seeds. The seedless varieties of fruits are
also a result of vegetative propagation.
6) The modern technique of tissue culture can be used to grow virus-free
Question (28): What are the disadvantages of
vegetative propagation?
Answer: The various disadvantages of
vegetative propagation are:
1) The plants gradually lose their vigour as there is no genetic variation.
They are subject to disease over a period of time and start dying out.
2) Since many plants are produced, it results in overcrowding and lack of
Question (29): What is the sexual reproduction in
bacteria called?
Answer: Sexual reproduction in bacteria is
called genetic recombination.
Question (30): Describe how sexual reproduction
takes place in higher animals and plants?
Answer: In the higher organisms, sexual
reproduction involves the production of sex cells or gametes and their
subsequent fusion to produce a new individual. Whether plant or animal,
sexual reproduction follows a basic pattern.
The organisms that follow sexual reproduction have the specific
reproductive organs. The reproductive organs produce the haploid sex cells
called the gametes by the process of meiosis. There are two types of
gametes - male and female. Male gametes are called sperm cells and the
female gametes are called ova or eggs. The eggs are bigger as they contain
the reserve food for the growing embryo. The male reproductive organs
produce the sperm cells and the female reproductive organs produce the
The sperm cells are generally motile and travel to the eggs and fuse with
them. This results in the formation of diploid zygote that has the
characteristics of both the male and the female parents. The zygote then
grows into an embryo which grows into an adult.
Question (31): What are the reproductive
structures of plants called?
Answer: The reproductive structures of
plants are called the flowers.
Question (32): Which are the four whorls of a
Answer: Calyx, corolla, androecium and
gynoecium are the four whorls of a flower.
Question (33): Which are the reproductive and
non-reproductive whorls of a flower?
Answer: The reproductive whorls are androecium
and gynoecium and the non-reproductive whorls are the calyx and corolla.
Question (34): Which are the male and female
gametes in plants and where are they formed?
Answer: The male gametes are the male
nuclei found inside the pollen grains. They are formed in the anther lobes
of the stamens. The female gamete is the egg cell found inside the ovule of
the carpel.
Question (35): What is double fertilization?
Answer: On reaching the stigma, the pollen
grains put out a tube. The pollen tube grows and enters the ovule where it
bursts at the tip releasing the male gametes. One of the male gamete fuses
with the egg, the female gamete. The fusion of the male gamete with the
female gamete is called fertilization. This results in the formation of a
zygote that is diploid. The zygote develops into the embryo. The other male
gamete fuses with the polar nuclei. This results in the formation of a
triploid nucleus called the endosperm nucleus. Since the process of
fertilization involves two fusions, it is called double fertilization.
Question (36): What are isogametes and
heterogametes? Give an example of each.
Answer: When the gametes are similar, they
are called isogametes. For example: Monocystis. When the gametes are
dissimilar, they are called heterogametes. For example, Plasmodium
and most higher animals.
Question (37): What is external fertilization?
Answer: External fertilization takes place
in animals like the fish and frog where the eggs are released from the body
of the females into the water outside. These eggs are then fertilized by
the sperms produced by the male species. Thus, the fertilization takes
place outside the body of the female.
Question (38): What is internal fertilization?
Answer: In internal fertilization the
sperms are released into the body of the females during copulation. The
sperms travel inside the female body to the egg and fertilization is inside
the body of the female.
Question (39): What are male and female secondary
sexual characters?
Answer: Some of the male secondary sexual
characteristics are facial hair, cracking of voice, etc. The female
secondary sexual characteristics include development of breasts, broadening
of hips, etc.
Question (40): What are the two parts of the
reproductive system?
Answer: The reproductive system comprises
of two different parts
Primary reproductive system that includes the gamete-producing organs, the
testes and the ovaries.
Accessory reproductive system that includes the glands, passages and other
such associated structures.
Question (41): What are the main parts of the
human male reproductive system?
Answer: The human male reproductive system
comprises of the following:
1) a pair of testes, organs that produce the male gametes, sperms
2) a network of tubules and tubes for passage of the sperms called the duct
3) associated glands
4) a mating organ called the penis
Question (42): Name the constituents of the duct
system of the male reproductive part.
Answer: Vasa efferentia, epididymis, vas
deferens, ejaculatory tube and the urethra are the constituents of the duct
system of the male reproductive system.
Question (43): Which are the various glands
associated with the male reproductive system?
Answer: The various glands associated with
the male reproductive system are seminal vesicles, prostate glands and
Cowper's glands.
Question (44): Write short notes on seminal
Answer: Seminal vesicles A pair of seminal
vesicles are glands that are present behind the urinary bladder. Each sperm
duct has the seminal vesicle of its side secreting a fluid into the common
ejaculatory duct. This fluid along with the sperms is called the semen, a
milky fluid.
Question (45): What are the functions of prostate
and Cowper's glands?
Answer: Prostate gland makes the semen
alkaline with its secretions and Cowper's glands secretes lubricating fluid
into the urethral tube.
Question (46): What are the different parts of
the female reproductive system?
Answer: The female reproductive system
consists of a pair of ovaries, a pair of oviducts, uterus, vagina and
Question (47): What are the functions of the
female reproductive system?
Answer: The main functions of the female
reproductive system are:
1) to produce eggs
2) receive the sperms
3) provide the site for fertilization
4) implantation of the growing embryo and development of the foetus
5) production of hormones that control the various stages of ovulation and
maintenance of pregnancy.
Question (48): What is the function of the
fallopian tubes?
Answer: The fallopian tubes transport the
eggs from the ovary to the uterus and also serve as the site for
fertilization of the egg by sperm.
Question (49): Write short notes on uterus.
Answer: Uterus is a pear-shaped structure,
broader on the upper end and narrower on the lower end. The upper end is
called the body of the uterus and the lower end is called the cervix. At
the upper end, it receives the oviducts of either side whereas the lower
end the cervix opens into the vaginal canal that opens to the outside.
The uterine wall has three layers. They are the innermost endometrium made
up of several glands and blood vessels, the middle myometrium made of
smooth muscles and the outer perimetrium made of connective tissue. The
inner surface of the uterus provides a site for the implantation of the
embryo. The uterine wall plays an important role during childbirth. Cervix
is made of sphincter muscle that controls the opening and closing of the
Question (50): What is onset of puberty in
Answer: At about the age of 10 to 13 years,
the ovaries of females are stimulated by the follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH) of the pituitary. This is called the onset of puberty and is
accompanied by release of hormones oestrogen and progesterone.
Question (51): What is reproductive phase? How
long does it last in males and females?
Answer: The phase during a individual's
life during which there is production of gametes is called reproductive
phase. In females, it is between 13 to 50 years and in males, it is from
the age of 13, life-long.
Question (52): What is ovulation?
Answer: When the follicle in the ovary
matures, the pituitary gland secretes another hormone called luteinizing
hormone (LH). LH stimulates the follicle to rupture and release the egg.
The release of an egg is called ovulation and occurs between the 10th
and the 16th day of the menstrual cycle.
Question (53): How does fertilization take place
in the human reproductive system?
Answer: In the fallopian tubes, many sperms
surround an egg. However, only one enters the egg leaving behind the tail.
The enzymes of the acrosome digest the several layers of tissue to reach
the egg cytoplasm. Once inside the male and female nuclei become lighter
and are called pro-nuclei. The two pro-nuclei fuse forming a zygote.
Question (54): What is the fate of the product of
Answer: The product of fertilization is
called zygote. It starts dividing and forms a blastocyst, the first stage
of an embryo. The blastocyst gets implanted on the uterine walls. It then
grows into a foetus.
Question (55): How does the growing foetus derive
its nourishment?
Answer: The growing foetus derives its
nourishment from the mother through the specialized tissue called placenta.
The latter is embedded in the uterine wall. It supplies nutrients to the
foetus with the help of the umbilical cord.
Question (56): What does AIDS stand for? Which
organism causes AIDS?
Answer: AIDS stands for acquired immuno
deficiency virus. It is caused by human immunodeficiency virus.
Question (57): What is family planning?
Answer: It is planning the time of arrival
of children in the family according to the finances and also limiting the
number of children. In India,
we advocate the two child formula and that the gap between the two children
should be at least three years so that each child gets enough attention and
all his emotional and physical needs can be catered to. This is family
Question (58): What is vasetomy?
Answer: It is
a male sterilization technique in which the sperm ducts are cut and tied
back such that the sperms are not allowed to pass further.
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